Friday, March 4, 2011

"Shit got Crazy at the Dick"... "Shit is Still Crazy at the Dick"

Disclaimer...I can't spell....I don't edit

Sooo for those of you who actually read this blog (all 4 of you including myself and my siblings) you probs know about the movement on campus for the changes in the school's sexual assult policies. I would LOVE to explain it to you all but, mixing it in with my other seriously class lacking stories I feel like it would taint the cause a little bit. If you do not know about what's going on here check us the fuck out because we're not joking around and we would LOVE for you to hear us.
That being said, I had one of the best signs the first day of the sit-in. Check my profile picture....I felt good and EVERYONE knew I looked good (per usual, I'm a looker). Another sign was a Tupac quote...aww yeah.  The people participating in this are awesome. May and I were sitting on the floor of the meeting on tues watching the crowd file in and May summarized my thoughts pretty accurately when she said "Everybody in this room right now, I wanna be friends with." great group o' peeps.
Now back to my usual stories.
I should not be allowed near technology whilst I have been least the modern technology that allows one to communicate with another person. I drunk text like its my job....and a job that requires avid and vehement work (i feel like that should be specified because if i do ever get a job I'm fairly certain I will only apply minimun amount of effort required).  I love to text and see what people are doing, which is so contrary to my usual (sober) unfriendly and socially apathetic self. The worst is that if I don't receive a response that poor soul will most likely receive another text from me. If someone did that to me I would not be pleased or friendly because I hate to be annoyed and am pretty easily annoyed but I have a wonderful nack for being annoying after a bottle double of Chardonnay.
Chardonnay you ask? oh yes, we bought the cheap big bottles to accompany the cheese that my Daddy dearest sent me from Wisconsin. I love cheese, I also love drinking so a Wine and Cheese party was inevitable. Inevitable yes, but advisable? a good idea? not so much. I ended up taking the unopened bottle with me to Sean's room to accompany his and Sars shots to dome fest in KW tower B's utility closet i.e. Sean's room. Some local news, a good convo about the sit-in, a solid dub-step track, another half a bottle of Chardonnay later and Sean, Sar, and I were ready to hit up the dnu cocktail.  My attire was appropriate, my blood alcohol content was a different story. I don't remember the cocktail. Luckily my dear friends Vana and Kimathy could fill me in. Dance moves were fresh and clean but from the wrong decade (i was channeling the 90s with renditions of the running man and other classics). I think I fell  asleep on teddys shoulder, lucky him. Eventually we left...not sure why i felt the need to clarify that since it seems inevitable that people will eventually leave a party (the fact that that inevitability may not be automatically applied to me is worrisome)....and Vana had the urge to help me walk since I guess I was not my usual graceful self. Arm in arm Vana, Kimathy, and I began to walk back to Mck 22. It was either my independent free-spirit or my A.D.D. that lead to what was described to me as a sprint with my arms flapping and my flannel shirt being used as wings....sometime you just have to take flight. We went to 24, allegedly and when I returned home Kimathy was proud that I could say"I'm glad I realized I was to drunk to be in there." translated I think that meant "I might have hurled if I stayed there to long, I need to pass out on the couch asap."
I woke up the next day with a text from Vana showing a picture of me passed out on the couch. I was still in my jeans, scarf, and flannel, the lights in my room were on and the door was open and I had class in 15 min.
I feel like we've all heard this story before but thats my wens night for ya.

My prof today, who I should mentions is brilliant, serious, and composed, told us that in addition to never seeing a single episode of Law and Order he had a strange affinity for shows like Rock of Love and Flavor of Love (Flava Flaveee).  When asked if he ever watched the Jersey Shore he responded with a straight face "No, I lived it."This is the same prof who gave me a two month extension. I think I like this class.

Onwards and upwards my friends.

1 comment:

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