Sunday, February 20, 2011

Should I be studying for my Anthro quiz?

Disclaimer: I can't spell, I have horrible grammer, and I don't have Microsoft word or any of that fancy spell check shit. I will not be editing this blog. L my C.

     I don't know if I'm allowed to swear on blogs. Am I? I don't care, I'll just make another one if they delete this one. I'll use Taryns e-mail adress for that one. Hope she won't mind. 

     I have an anthropology test tomorrow...fuck that. Just thought I would continue to discuss the happenings of Dickinson College and how they are experienced by the fine young women of Mck22 and Sean of course.  One evening in particular has a special place in my heart.  Started out as a normal night....pong in Mck 22, some Dickinson College party that consisted of really crowded rooms and me getting elbowed in the head due to my unfortunate height and uncanning ability to go unnoticed in crowds. Bars then....another crowd. Staked out a place in the corner for May and I and then got some girl sitting at the bar with a great totsT on to get the bartenders attention. She ordered me the pitcher....thought she was gunna pay....she didn't. Oh well. May and I finish the pitcher but not without the usual friendly gentlemen of Dickinson coming up to say Hi...which was really just them trying to drink our beer. Garrett just took the whole pitcher and was sipping out of it. I think he was genuinely confused and offended that I told him to stop drinking out of the pitcher, either way, he did not heed my request. This might have been the night I made friends with Nation...kudos to Steele and Pam for introducing this kid into my life. We spent a lot of the conversation (and by a lot of the night i mean the bits i remember, i basically kept running into the kid out and about and we just built on the conversation....great conversation.) remembering the first time we met when we were dancing with Steele and he kept saying how much he just wanted to pick me up and put me through the ceiling because I was so short (his observational skills... remarkable). Then we spent a good amount of time describing what was gunna happen when he lifted me up too high one day and my head actually went through the ceiling... We discussed what he would do to make it up to me if this ever happened...we settled on him buying me bfast at carlisle diner....then we improved it to just dining and dashing at  carlisle diner after ordering the Carlisle Feast. Great guy, only thing I have to say "forget about it." After the usual attempts at getting free drinks I stop and start talking to this kid I met a while ago. He's one of those people whos just really nice and you feel bad being a sarcastic humorless asshole around them but really... you don't feel that bad. In the middle of our conversation he spotted a credit card of the floor the name on which was "John Something" (that's the real name on the credit card obviously) The nice kid then decides to ask around "hey are you John?" "John? Is there a John here" my thinking was on a different level so I told him  "I'll take it. I know him."
Go figure we stayed at the bar till closing.  I started walking home with A Hill and saw Becca (a new addition to 22) and we all started walking together. It wasn't long b4 Becca got the call from another member of Mck 22 I won't say who...but we'll call her Shora. Shora was in hysterics. She kept telling Becca that she had been arrested for a DUI and that we needed to come pick her up as soon as possible. I don't own a car....Becca was in no state to drive...Hill is a useless human being....So, obviously, we called Sean.  Sean's a great late night stick shift driver.
Turns out Shora was not arrested for a DUI but rather, the townie she went home with was. We picked her up at sheetz and the worst part is she didn't get Sean sunflower seeds and she didn't get me m three cheese mac and cheese...most useless drive to sheetz ever.  On the way home Norah (whoops) kept trying to explain that she thought this guy was a good guy....Hill asked the best question of the evening "Norah, when have you ever met a good guy from south central PA" ....present company included.
We finally get back to the room...I sprint cuz I have to pee (is that gross to mention in a blog? life.) the door is locked...norah doesn't have her key (or coat, or wallet, go figure) Becca doesn't have her key and Taryn is unreachable and so are the rest of the roommates. Don't worry, 24 let me pee there...didnt stay 1 was playing video games...not my scene if I can't hunt some bucks (or miss some...jerks).
Soooo we were locked out of the room...its after 2 in the morning and its cold and we're hungry....queue John Something....trip to Messinos 2 cheese bambinos and an order of cheese fries please. Thanks John. So next time you're in the Mck 22 and you see John Somethings credit card posted on the Wall of know why.
DPS ends up letting us in.
We get in and go to steal something from T's room only to find Christie asleep in her bed. She was there the whole time...didn't wake up when we were calling her or banging on her window. Champion sleeper. I had to check her pulse.
There were a few more occurances in the evening but I think Shora might get a little upset if I disclose to much information....ask Kimathy about what she saw in the bathroom when she went to brush her teeth and you'll know why I chose to go to bed that night without washing my face or brushing my teeth. 

Also, this Antro test I'm supposed to be studying for...I don't own the book.

For the record most stories I post will just be a mix of different nights even though they're told as one night...It hard to distinquish one night from another and its the story that matters not the timeline.

1 comment:

  1. it's a problem that i'm not included in this night. i know it's my own fault...but next time, i have every intention to be involved.
    that is all. BUH BYE.
