Monday, May 9, 2011

Almost Accidently Posted This On Taryn's Blog For her Middle Eastern Studies Class...interesting

Disclaimer: Writing a blog in the quiet section of the library does nothing to improve my grammar or spelling. Don't know why I thought it would...
Also, T forgot to sign out of her blog and I was about 1 min away from posting this to her class blog. Wonder what would have become of that.
I also should say that if anyone who is offended or shocked by my misdeeds and wants to be a prick, then I should tell you that all of this is made up.... if anyone asks.

So, here we are Monday, finals week. Two take home finals and two final exams.  I have yet to decide if its a blessing or a curse that my first final isn't due till thurs.  Since, I have severe issues with procrastination I have a feeling the begining of this week is going to be filled with outdoor quarry sits ranging from 1 to 3 hours, long internal debates on whether I want to go running or not, significantly shorter internal debates on whether I should start my work or not, and multiple trips to Wendys for cheap large delicious fountain drinks. Also, I'm certain that I will be easily swayed when faced with hanging out or doing work. Anyways, what happened this weekend?
I missed the very last day of classes which seems fitting since I also missed the very first day...
I went to Atalantic City, my first experience with both the city and New Jersey in general.  The drive was 3 hours long, like driving to Pewaukee from Chicago only I had a bad hangover and an empty stomache. Tommy drove the whole way, don't know why he wouldn't take a break and let me drive a little bit. Maybe because I told the car that I had been in 5 accidents. Whatever, those accidents made me a better person and driver.  Also, I chose to walk places a lot more often now...that's just good for health reasons.
Anyways, Tommy gets us lost, luckily the kid is from New Jersey so he essentially knew where he was going. I guess he just decided to chose the more indirect route. Who am I to question the New Jersey kid's driving?
Anyways, we get to atlantic city and to the hotel we're staying in, but not before passing a place called "Abdullah and Omar's Hair Bazaar" I was so tempted to buy some quality hair extensions but we had a formal to get too.
The place is HUGE and amazing, if you're 21 or older. Lucky me iI'm only 20 and all the kids I'm with are 21. Awesome, I successfully ruined the fun for the group.  Instead we go to the room and pound nattys. Nattys to dome.
The place where the formal actually takes place was amazing. It was essentially a three story night club with an open bar (another blow to my underageda ego).  Luckily every time I told a person I was under 21 they insisted I chug their drink. Mags managed to grab three drinks and drag courtney and I into the bathroom for a quick refresher. 
They rest of the night was pretty fun. Thomasina ended up paying 55$ for 8 beers at the convientient store, and a kid payed $18 for cigarettes.  So , while everyone of age was gambling and being entertained by strippers walking around the "High Rollers Club" we were sipping on expensive beer and bopping around the hotel. I faded a little early, I'll be the first to admit it. Also, I slept in my dress on top of the covers. Clutch.
The drive home the next morning was a struggle fest for me not to fall asleep. I  may or may not have 'rested my eyes' once or twice but I really wanted to stay awake so Thomasina wouldn't feel lonely.  If anyone knows me they would understand completely when I say that in attempts to stay awake I brought up the most rediculous conversational topics. I also managed to slip in about 20 pointless lies that were completely unnecissay in furthering the conversations.  I don't really want to own and pig, why would I say that?
So when we got back to the big Dick I fell asleep for aprx 4 hours. Then got up and got ready to go out again. That, ladies and gents, is a trooper. There was just no way in hell that I could miss Queen B's birthday...just no way that was going to happen.  So I of course attended and had a fucking amazing time. temprarily lost my phone, but what good night doesn't include a little stress over lost necessities.
Sunday I managed to get no work done.
Thats about all I have right now.

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